
Photos from the first train ride from Prague to Krakow

For the first time in history, passengers can take advantage of an open-access international connection. Comfortably, with additional services and what is more, without printing a ticket :)

We declare that the United European railway area is not just an empty proclamation, but we really want to offer services regardless of borders. We thank you all who have walked this way with us, supported us - or even directly traveled between Prague and Krakow on the weekend.

The first train ride, which was blessed by the archabbot of the Prague Břevnov monastery with the Czech-Polish origin, Petr Prokop Siostrzonek, was attended by many important guests. These include representatives of the Polish Railway Transport Authority UTK, the Silesia and the Minor Poland regions, mayors and city halls from the cities on the route, academic sector, transportation experts and European Commissioner responsible for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SME-s. 

Photos of the ride you will find below :)

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