To the Roof of Europe
Orlicko is worth visiting in any season, including winter. Local mountains offer groomed ski slopes and miles of marked cross-country trails. You might object that there has not been much snow in the country in the recent years, but Orlicko can offer ample opportunities, whether it is covered in snow or not. There are no major tourist attractions, which is its greatest advantage.
Border Guards
Today, Orlicko lies along the border between Czechia and Poland, but a century ago, it was the border between Czechoslovakia and Germany. All military history enthusiasts immediately associate this with border fortifications. In addition to the continuous line of small concrete bunkers along the border, there are several larger bunkers, and even forts – the heaviest type of border fortifications. Many of the buildings were later renovated by military enthusiasts and opened to the public. You can visit the forts of Bouda or Hůrka, large bunkers “U cihelny” or “Na Sedle”, small bunker “Králický řopík” and many other.

The Sky Walk
We spoke of the absence of major tourist attractions, but there is one exception – the area around the village of Dolní Morava. Several structures were built here in the recent decades to attract visitors from far and wide. The first was the Sky Walk – a modern lookout tower which really looks like a set of winding footbridges suspended in the air, and supported by the central structure. The vistas are breathtaking. The second structure called “Sky Bridge 721” is a suspension footbridge supported by a set of metal ropes, which spans the valley between two mountain ridges. With 721 metres, it is the longest of its kind in the world!

European Watershed 🌊
If you prefer hiking to skiing, be sure to take a trip to Králický Sněžník. The 1423 m peak is not only the highest point of the ridge and the whole Pardubice region, but it is also one of the major European watersheds. The water from the rain falling on its slopes flows into three different seas around our continent – the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and the Black Sea. The spring of the River Morava, a popular destination for all Moravian patriots, can be found just under the peak. Králický Sněžník is right on the border between Czechia and Poland, so you can cross to the Polish side to climb up the lookout tower or enjoy a wholesome meal in the restaurant a short way down from the top.
Witness of Old Glory
The castle of Lanšperk used to overlook the village of the same name in the valley of the River Tichá Orlice. The castle was founded in the 13th century, and belonged to various prominent figures: the king Václav II, the leading nobleman Záviš of Falkenstein, or the House of Pernstein, the richest family in renaissance Bohemia. Walk through the gate to the former courtyard to climb up the modern lookout tower leaning against the inner side of the castle wall, and enjoy the lovely view of the surrounding landscape. Accessible throughout the year, the ruins lie very close to the Lanšperk train station.

TEXT: Jakub Jukl
PHOTO: Shutterstock.com
The whole article is to be found in the winter issue of the Leo Express magazine
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